On Tuesday, after more than $113 billion of U.S. money has been sent to Ukraine, the New York Times has finally admitted that Ukraine is a broken and corrupt country after multiple scandals have recently rocked the Ukrainian government.
On Tuesday, Ukraine confirmed the resignation of multiple high ranking officials amid large-scale corruption allegations. The resignations came amist scandals ranging from bribery to mismanagment of U.S. aid funds for purchasing food, to embezzlement to driving expensive cars, all while President Zelesnkyy repeatedly begs world leaders for more money while the people suffer.
One of Zelensky’s own deputies rode around town in a General Motors-donated SUV that was supposed to be for “humanitarian missions”. The BBC reported that Tymoshenko, deputy head of Zelensky’s administration, “was implicated in several scandals during his tenure, including in October last year when he was accused of using a car donated to Ukraine for humanitarian purposes.”
According to the New York Times, “Over the weekend, a Ukrainian newspaper reported that the Ministry of Defense had purchased food at inflated prices, including eggs at three times their cost. Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov called the allegations “absolute nonsense” and the product of “distorted information.”
Shapovalov, deputy minister, is accused of signing deals with an unknown shady firm, where he purchased military rations at inflated prices in what was likely meant to line the pockets of contractors and potentially provide kickbacks to himself as well. Shapovalov also played a signficant role in overseeing billions of dollars coming from the U.S. and Europe as authorized defense aid.
Deputy prosecutor general Symonenko’s departure comes after he reportedly spent a holiday in Spain over the winter, while Ukraine is at war with Russia.
Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Communities Development Vasyl Lozynskiy has been accused of receiving bribes to “facilitate” the purchase of generators at signicanlty hiked-up prices. Lozynskiy was involved in overseeing billions of dollars in Western humanitarian and infrastructure assistance.
Ukraine’s Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov is also under scrutiny now.
The actions of the Zelensky’s need to be put under scrutiny as well. Does it makes sense for Zelesnkyy and his wife to pose for vogue in the middle of what we are told is this major war? Does it make sense for Zelesnky’s wife to go on a $40,000 shopping spree to Paris?
It shouldn’t come as a secret to anyone that Ukraine has been a very corrupt country for decades. It was just a few years ago that Ukraine was ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, by the Left wing media. Yet, for some reason, not we aren’t even allowed to ask questions about our involvment with Ukraine.
In other news, the U.S. is preparing to send 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, as part of a $400 million aid package.